
2020年10月4日—Transfernetwork計算大小是以整個請求(包含url,requestheaders,requestbody,responseheadersandresponsebody)大小加總計算;Resource只會計算 ...,2020年11月4日—network底部有1.1MBtransferredovernetwork和5.1MBresourcesloadedbythepage.这两个大小有何区别?,2023年2月16日—TheNetworktoolinChrome,withthetransferredsizehighlighted.Seealso.,2021年9月21日—TheTransferSizeofaresourcerepresentsthetotaln...


2020年10月4日 — Transfer network 計算大小是以整個請求(包含url, request headers, request body, response headers and response body)大小加總計算; Resource 只會計算 ...

Chrome开发者工具network标签页里的transferred over ...

2020年11月4日 — network底部有1.1 MB transferred over network和5.1 MB resources loaded by the page. 这两个大小有何区别?

See the size of the transferred data for images, scripts, or ...

2023年2月16日 — The Network tool in Chrome, with the transferred size highlighted. See also.

Transfer Size vs. Resource Size

2021年9月21日 — The Transfer Size of a resource represents the total number of bytes required for transfer across the network. This is also sometimes referred ...

What is the difference between "transferred" and ...

2019年5月8日 — Transferred is the compressed size of all resources. You can think of it as the amount of upload and download data that a mobile user will ...

Why does the 'transferred' data value in DevTools Network ...

2023年4月20日 — According to my understanding, in the Network tab in DevTools, the 'transferred' value says the amount of downloads done by the webpage and ...